Vintage Sewing Patterns
Vintage Sewing Patterns

Wartime Prices and Trade Board During the war years, the Wartime Prices and trade board wptb was responsible for the control of all goods and services in Canada.

A system of economies and simplifications was also instituted in an attempt to reduce production costs and help stem the supply shortage problem. Some garment categories such as coats, jackets, and pants were in direct competition with military clothing requirements for manufacturing capacity and fabric supply.

The effect of these measures was to reduce the number of available styles, silhouettes, and colours, and control garment dimensions. For example, new men's suits lost their trouser cuffs, and double breasted jackets were replaced by single-breasted designs. The measurements of women's skirt hem's depth and circumference were limited. The conservation and simplification measure were justified by the WPTB as steps necessary to eliminate wasteful or dispensable clothing. 

During that time, both the Canadian and American governments encouraged dressmakers to cut down on the amount of fabric that went into a dress. Skirts narrowed, hemlines rose, and flowing gowns became a thing of the past as women everywhere adopted the new regulations. Pattern makers, stuck with non-regulation stock on their hands, did their patriotic bit for the country by saving paper: they simply stamped their patterns "This pattern does not meet Canadian WPTB Regulations," or words to that effect.

Hollywood889c "This version contrary to Canadian WPTB regulations" Hollywood 889
