Simplicity 5713; ©1964; Set of stuffed toys, Humpty Dumpty, Mother Goose and Old King Cole: V.'s 1 & 2 have four upper and lower sections joined by a horizontal seam. Arms and legs are stitched to lower sections. Buttons and felt remnants make faces; wool yarn hair. Humpty Dumpty approximately 20" tall, has a a felt collar and ribbon trim. Old King Cole, approximately 25" tall, has an additional section, the head. Rick-rack and buttons trim body. Detachable cape is fitted with darts, trimmed with cotton fringe. Shaped felt crown has bead detail. Mother Goose, approximately 20" tall, cut in four sections also has felt wings, beak, feet and tail. Apron gathers to ribbon waistband. Her felt hat is trimmed with purchased flowers and ribbon ties.
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